Sunday, August 28, 2011

Blog entry #1

What are your expectations for this class? In your own words, what is sustainability? How does sustainability (or ecological sense of place) relate to your chosen field of study? Can you identify any personal behaviors and/or attitudes that are unsustainable?

My expectations for this class are to learn more about the local environment and to get a grasp on certain issues facing our society and environment today. I also expect to get some service learning hours, since it is a requirement. Sustainability is how we try to use our resources in a well managed way so we do not run out of vital goods. Sustainability relates to my field of study (marketing/advertising) because of two reasons. One, trying to make a business look good with the "green" initiative. Many advertising campaigns recently have been dealing with trying to let the public know how your company is helping the environment. Another way my field of study relates is with internet marketing. With everything going viral, and all the buzz about web 2.0, with facebook, twitter, and youtube.. many companies are starting to use new means of advertising through those websites, which leaves less posters and billboards and other materials that require paper and wood, which means less trees are being cut down! My personal behaviors that are unsustainable would be leaving lights on when i leave the house, which i do on purpose because i don't like to leave my dogs in the dark.

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