Monday, October 3, 2011

blog entry # 6

Blog Entry #6: What was your overall opinion of ECHO? Did anything in particular stand out? How do the examples that were showcased compare to your view of "American" agriculture? Do you feel that their work is relevant to the developing world? What is "appropriate technology"? Would you be interested in performing your service learning with this agency? Why or why not?

I thought ECHO was a great place. I loved the animals although I feel some of them could have been in better living conditions. I thought it was cool how the ducks fed the tilapia who in turn can feed people. The "mountain" was pretty cool, i wish we could have seen what all was on it. The thing that stood out the most to me was probably the Miranga leaves because our guide was so excited about them and talked about them for a long time! Most of the things we learned about had to do with feeding people in other countries with the different ways to grow crops and whatnot. It didnt really fit in with "american" agriculture as i understand it to be. Their work is relevant to the developing world as long as they go do missionary work and bring some supplies over there and show the people how to build the "appropriate technology". Appropriate technology is machines and such that you can build with minimal supplies found in most places around the world. I would not be interested in performing my service learning with this agency, mainly because it was super hot out there, and i tend to get dehydrated and faint easily.

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