Thursday, November 17, 2011

Blog Entry #10

Blog Entry #10: Calculate your ecofootprint at How did you fare? Print out your final report and bring to class. Click the explore scenarios button. What behaviors could you modify (be reasonable now!) to reduce your footprint? What is the resulting value? Assume the average American ecofootprint is 4.6 (earths). If everyone lived like you do, what is the maximum population that earth could sustain (according to this calculator)?

My ecological footprint is 4.9 planet earths. It takes 21.8 global acres to support my lifestyle. If i reduced the amount of animal products i ate by half ( i currently eat meat a few times a week) it would reduce to 4.5 earths. If i used products with less packaging, or 100% recycled material, it would reduce to 4.2, with both of these new decisions it would also reduce my global acres to 18.8. Doesnt seem like much of a difference with just one person, but if everyone tries to reduce their ecological footprints in similar ways, it would make a big difference. If the average american is 4.6, with everyone living like i do at 4.9, we would only need to reduce the population by a few, however if we all changed to the 4.2, we would be able to provide leftover resources to those in other countries that need them.

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