Thursday, November 17, 2011

Blog entry #8

Blog Entry #8: In your view, is climate change anthropogenic (manmade), "natural", or some combination of the two? What (or who) would you consider reputable sources for climate change information? How is climate change portrayed in the media? Does this portrayal make you more or less likely to alter your lifestyle? What do you think the effects of climate change will be on your children and grandchildren?

In my opinion, climate change is both natural and man-made. There have always been greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, they are what keeps the heat and makes it liveable on earth. Without them, the earth would be one giant ice age. However, since industry kicked off, man has been putting more and more gases into the air, which has made an impact on the natural order of things. Man has made it a bit hotter, but not much. However, if we dont start to pay attention and control what we are doing, we may push ourselves into a situation that we cant get out of. Perhaps another ice age, or a catastrophic series of natural disasters, or an intensely hot burnout. Climate change is portrayed in the media as a very bad thing, its all mans fault. Im not going to change my lifestyle because of it. I have been raised to live at certain standards of living and i sure as hell am not going to go back to prehistoric lifestyles. However, i do believe we should try to find alternate ways of doing things so we can perhaps lower the amount of gases being spewed into the atmosphere. I believe for my children and grandchildren it wont be much different then it is now, i think the overall effects of what is going on now, wont take place for a few hundred years. Then again, im no scientist so who really knows.

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